Category: Interiors
Status: Built
Place: Bari [I]
Year: 2006-2007
Project: V.P. Bagnato
P.A. De Nicolo
With: M. Fiore
Collaborators: A. Palmieri
Structures: -
Systems: S. Bagnato
Geology: -
Agronomy: -
Interiors: -
Supervisor: V.P. Bagnato
Client: Private
Dimension: 86 s.m.
Cost: € 50.000,00
Photographer: bdfarchitetti archive
The project enlarges the space of a single house recovering an unused 80 square meters basement room. The room is divided in three parts each one at a different level, so to create a living area and, around it, a space for reading, a small cellar and a dining area. The materials are: dark gray stoneware, wood and whiteplaster.