Category: Interiors
Status: Built
Place: Adelfia, Bari [I]
Year: 2009-2010
Project: V.P. Bagnato
P.A. De Nicolo
With: M. Fiore
Collaborators: M. Balducci
A. Cecinato
Structures: -
Systems: S. Bagnato
Geology: -
Agronomy: -
Interiors: -
Supervisor: P.A. De Nicolo
Client: Rosacosola srl
Dimension: 288 s.m.
Cost: € 280.000,00
Photographer: Michele Cera
The project reproduces a small shopping mall where people can walk, stay, talk, watch and be watched. The boutique’s space has a structure made of two orthogonal axis: the first one connects the entrance with a “sitting” area, passing through a small expositive hall; the second, with a double way, connects five expositive squares of the same dimension delimited by parallel stone walls that section the boutique by its longitudinal direction. The space system has a rational structure that joins the efficacy and the functionality of the expositive-commercial requirements with the possibility for visitors to move free. The two longitudinal ways have a dimension defined by the stone lateral walls, while the main axis that starts from the entrance, in continuity with the exterior, ideally continues beyond a translucent wall made of illuminated curved glass.
Selected in: “Ventisettetrentasette - Rassegna Internazionale di Giovani Architetti Italiani 2010”
“Progetti – Rivista dell’Architettura Italiana” no. 2, dec. 2010, Quid Edizioni, Pesaro [I], pp. 154-159;
“Materiali Progettati. Catalogo della Rassegna Internazionale Giovani Architetti Italiani Ventisettetrentasette”, Shanghai – Roma, TreP Ed., Roma 2011, p. 93;
“Better City, Better Life”, Italian Pavilion Expo 2010, Shanghai, China, 01-30/09/2010;