Category: Public spaces
Status: Built
Place: Bari [I]
Year: 2009-2010
Project: V.P. Bagnato
P.A. De Nicolo
With: M. Fiore
Collaborators: M. Campanale
A. Cecinato
Structures: -
Systems: S. Bagnato
Geology: -
Agronomy: -
Interiors: -
Supervisor: P.A. De Nicolo
Client: Legambiente Puglia
Dimension: 872 s.m.
Cost: € 40.100,00
Photographer: Michele Cera
The garden, midway between a park and a square, is located in the heart of the “Villaggio del Lavoratore”, a residential quarter in the north-western suburbs of the city, between Bruno Buozzi street and the Lamasinata torrent. Rectangle-shaped, the garden has two consecutive sides along the streets and the others besides the adjacent residential areas. The project entrusts the construction of this small public space to the design of its surface: starting from a 3,20 meters-module that divides the whole surface into fillets at right angles to the major sides, like in a “collage” three green areas (each of them with a different kind of trees) alternate with spaces for children’s games in colored rubber or in beaten earth flooring. Two fillets in Apricena stone go along the streets and intersect, as “cardo”and “decumano”, in a square in which the urban elements are placed with a free composition.
“Festambiente – Legambiente”, Sala Murat, Bari [I], 10-14/03/2010